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Tips for Success in a New C-Level Job - Augustine Talent Group

Tips for Success in a New C-Level Job

As the highest-ranking members of an organization, C-level executives make impactful decisions that drive the company toward its vision. While attaining a C-level job comes with prestige, it also comes with challenges. If you’ve accepted a new executive role, the following tips will help you succeed.

What Should Executive Employees Prioritize?

Be an Expert Goal Setter

Because C-level executives are focused on the future, a talent for goal setting is crucial. You’ll want to act as a leader in setting attainable long-term and short-term goals for your department and working toward achieving them daily. This may involve regular coaching for the entry- and mid-level employees who report to you. Remember also to set regular goals for yourself and your contributions to your company.

Create a Consistent Schedule

As a leader, you’ll need to be available to many different people—employees, clients, partners, and more—at predictable hours, making time management a critical C-level skill. Designing and maintaining a consistent working schedule can help your organization flow more smoothly.

It’s equally important that you build regular time for independent work into your schedule. Some CEOs wake up early to ensure they have uninterrupted time to work on personal tasks and development. But you don’t have to be a morning person to be a successful executive—as long as you’re blocking out dedicated alone time, it doesn’t matter what time of day it happens.

Build Balance

Holding a C-level position doesn’t mean you can’t have a life outside of work. Just as research has shown that a healthy work-life balance makes employees more productive, it can make you a better leader. Daily breaks and utilizing well-earned vacation time can increase your productivity, focus, and leadership skills. Modeling this balance will encourage your team to do the same, resulting in a more peaceful and productive work environment.

Maintain a Growth Mindset

Some people assume that C-level executives already know everything about their industry. But successful leaders keep an open mind and a “beginner’s mindset” even after reaching the highest ranks in their organization.

If you’re starting a C-level position for the first time, don’t be afraid to ask for guidance and support from the rest of the leadership team. And if you’re bringing previous C-level experience to a new role, stay open to ideas from other team members, regardless of how long they’ve worked there. Sometimes a fresh set of eyes is the key to progress and innovation.

Take Calculated Risks

CEOs are effective leaders because they can make important decisions quickly with limited information. As a C-level executive, you’ll need to hone this skill. When faced with a major decision impacting your department or larger organization, temper your knowledge and experience with bold action. Every successful company has had to take risks at some point, and the C-level executives determine which risks are worth taking.

Land Your Next C-Level Position

If you have the experience and drive to join an organization’s leadership team, the executive recruiters at Augustine Talent Group want to meet you. Contact us to learn how we can help you find a position worthy of your skills.

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